Diabetes Screening - A1C Test
Women who receive a diagnosis of gestational diabetes during pregnancy face an increased likelihood of developing diabetes later in life. It is crucial for them to undergo testing once every three years to monitor for prediabetic conditions or diabetes. This can be achieved through an A1C test.
To arrange for diabetes testing, consult your Variety Care provider and request an A1C test. All Variety Care locations offer the A1C test. The test will provide results within 6 minutes. If you wish to schedule an appointment, call 405-632-6688.
Symptoms of diabetes in women can include:
- blurred vision
- fatigue
- increased thirst
- unexplained weigh loss
- slow healing wounds
- frequent urination
- numb or tingling feet
Diabetes can develop in anyone, regardless of whether they've had gestational diabetes. If you experience any symptoms, please contact your Variety Care provider to schedule an A1C Test. Take proactive steps to understand diabetes and seize control
of your health.